Corpus Christi School Dinners
School lunches are supplied by Caterlink. Dinner money can be paid using ParentPay. Children must keep to their chosen dinner arrangements for a half term period.
We are education catering specialists, meaning that we focus solely on primary, secondary, academy and college clients. Healthy eating is at the very heart of our approach to food. We wholeheartedly encourage balanced diets within our dining rooms and significantly invest in training our teams. Our policy of purchasing a range of seasonal produce from local and regional suppliers enables us to deliver exceptional value.
Please see the menu for this term:
Healthy packed lunch
If you decide to send your child with a packed lunch please help us to promote healthy eating by providing a healthy balanced lunch avoiding drinks, any foods containing additives and colourings, sweets, chocolate bars, flavoured crisps/ snacks and any other high sugar, salty or fatty foods. (We base our packed lunch standards on the Food Standards Agency requirements for a healthy diet). Water will be available on the dining tables for all children to drink. Children are encouraged to drink plenty of water during the school in an effort to address dehydration. Packed lunches should be a light balanced snack of nutritious food to enable your child to access learning effectively. There should not be a drink in the packed lunch, as water is provided for all children.
A half term notice must be given, if you wish to change your child’s lunch preference.