Corpus Christi Mission Statement
Corpus Christi Catholic Primary School is an educational, faith community founded on Gospel values where all members are seen as made in God’s image and loved by God.
Everyone is valued and respected as a unique, special and gifted individual. We encourage success to develop confident, effective learning. We aim to instil creativity and to inspire curiosity. We hold the conviction that people have an unbelievable capacity to achieve great things.
We want to treat each other as we would like others to treat us. We strive to be a happy school, a holy school an inclusive school and an improving school, with everyone working as a team. We endeavour to build caring and supportive partnerships between school, home, parish and the wider community so strengthening an atmosphere of trust, friendship and respect.
We make our Mission Statement explicit during lessons, discussion times, assemblies, display around the school and through regular reference to the following statement.
‘Love one another as I have loved you.’
Our mission incorporates our values:
- We promote love, service and prayer.
- We value and respect the uniqueness and dignity of each individual.
- We value community, equality, justice and peace.
- We recognise that we are all gifted and talented in own way. We try to be the best that we can be.
- We are honest, faithful and forgiving.